August update
August 1st, 2009
Two Jaws guides for Vista have been added: one for the Start menu, and the other for the Open and Save dialogs.
This site contains a set of guides for users of the Jaws screen reader. They cover various aspects of Windows and a few useful applications, and they will also be useful to users of other screen readers. All the guides are free.
August 1st, 2009
Two Jaws guides for Vista have been added: one for the Start menu, and the other for the Open and Save dialogs.
May 15th, 2009
There’s now a Jaws guide to Internet Explorer 8, and the Jaws guide to Audacity has been revised for version 1.3.7.
February 26th, 2009
There’s now a Jaws guide to Windows Explorer on Vista, which includes a detailed description of advanced search techniques.
December 15th, 2008
There’s now a Jaws guide for the very accessible program BBC iPlayer Listen Again, which enables you to listen to most of the BBC’s radio programmes which have been broadcast during the previous week. This program is a replacement for the popular program Accessible BBC Listen Again. The material describing various controls, which used to be in the Jaws guide to dialog boxes, has be rewritten, and is now contained in a separate Controls guide. Finally, the Jaws guide for Google has been updated to take into account the recent impovements in the accessibility of this website.
November 28th, 2008
There’s now a Jaws guide to the email program Windows Mail, which is the replacement for Outlook Express in Windows Vista.