Jaws Guides
All the guides below are written in HTML. If you distribute copies of these, we would be grateful if the source is acknowledged, and that no charge is made.
Windows XP
- Menus
- Controls – buttons, edit boxes, list views, sliders, etc.
- Dialog Boxes
- Open and Save As Dialogs
- Windows Explorer
- Start Menu
- Running Programs
- Editing Text
Windows Vista
Windows 7
- Windows Explorer
- Taskbar – which covers the Start menu, the taskbar buttons, and the Notification area.
Windows 8.1
- Start screen
- Search pane
- Taskbar – which covers the taskbar buttons and the Notification area.
- File Explorer
Windows 10
- Taskbar – which covers the Start menu, search, Cortana, the taskbar buttons, the Notification area, and notifications.
- File Explorer
World Wide Web
- World Wide Web
- HTML – a description of HTML elements: titles, headings, lists, links, form controls and tables.
- HTML Page Navigation
- Internet Explorer 8
- Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia.
- Outlook Express
- Windows Mail
- Windows Live Mail 2011
- Gmail – Google’s web-based email, which is known as Gmail in most countries, but Google Mail in Germany, Austria and the UK due to existing trademarks.
- Audacity 3.7.3 – a free multi-track audio editor. This guide is written for users of Jaws, NVDA, and Narrator.
- Windows Media Player 11